Lower Key Stage 2
Eagles (year 3/4) - Mrs G. Stevens
Falcons (year 3/4) - Miss C. Wilkins
Ospreys (year 3/4) - Mr I. Moore
Hawks (year 3/4) - Mr C. Thomas
Welcome to year 3 and 4.
Our topic for the Spring Term is ‘Grand Designs’. We will begin the topic by completing some exciting hook day activities linked to bedtime stories. During the topic, we will focus on developing our skills, knowledge and understanding in Science, Design and Technology and Computing. In Science we will understand different forces and use magnets to find out what is magnetic. In Design and Technology will explore how levers and linkages create movement. We will design, create and evaluate our own lever systems to open a Mayan Temple door. In Computing we will develop our knowledge of 'algorithms' and how these make computers work. We will use applications/devices such as SAMLABs and microbits to develop our coding skills and program a nightlight.
In English, we will perform and write poems, write a bedtime story, write instructions and explanations, and writing a story on the Wild Robot.
In Maths, we will focus on building and strengthening our knowledge of Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Length and Perimeter, and Mass and Capacity
In Art we will learn about the artist comparing William Morris, Banksy and Antoni Gaudi. We will use some of the artists techniques to create our own artwork. In Music we will develop an understanding of the history of music from different culture traditions and composers such as Antonio Vivaldi.
In History we will be learning about the Mayans and comparing the Mayan Civilization c. AD 900 to British history.
In PSHE will we learn about Health and Wellbeing, including: developing risk management, understanding personal change and responsibility and physical and mental wellbeing.
In Online Safety lessons we will also focus on Health and Wellbeing as well as Online Bullying. We will also celebrate Safer Internet Day in February.
You will not need to bring your PE kits to school but you can wear your PE kits on our PE days. Some PE will be outside so please make sure you’ll be warm enough. During the Spring term, Eagles will start their 8-week swimming course. From Monday 10th February, Eagles will need to bring their swimming kit: swimming costume/trunks and towel. Goggles are optional for their free time at the end of the session.
Homework will be set at the start of the year on Seesaw. Children can upload any homework they complete on Seesaw or they can keep a record in their Reading Link book. Any homework children complete will be rewarded.
You can support us by listening to your child read regularly, helping them learn their times tables and practice their spelling. Children will receive a reward and raffle ticket each time they read at home (you can sign their link book or they could upload a photo/video to Seesaw). Children can become ‘Maths Champions’ and receive a special pencil when they know all the times tables and division facts up to 12x12 and are able to use them to solve a variety of problems. Homework is set at the start of the year and children will be rewarded for each piece they do.
We look forward to learning lots of new and interesting things this term!