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Modern Foreign Languages (French)

In order to recognise and familiarise children with speaking another language, we teach French across Key Stage Two. In EYFS and KS1, children are introduced to simple phrases e.g. hello and goodbye, in different languages depending on relevant topic links. We believe that every child can acquire a second language and that the process of acquiring this should be enjoyable and immerse children in a wider understanding of the language.

What is our approach to MFL?

Our approach to the teaching of French will help children develop their competencies in four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing enabling them to become confident communicators with a love of languages following a positive experience of language acquisition. We aim for children to be able to do in French what they can do in English, meaning that we tap into their interests and help them to see language as more than just a means to an end.

‘Language Angels’ are used to support the design and delivery of French teaching at Forest View Primary School. Units are carefully planned so that they build on prior knowledge and allow the class to revisit topics. End points set out what children are taught in each phase and how this progresses through Key Stage Two.

What does our approach to MFL look like in the classroom?

We seek to create an environment where every child feels confident to ‘have a go’ which builds on our growth mindset approach to learning in all subjects. Children figure out, try to guess, anticipate and help each other work out what is being said. This means developing not only listening but other skills too.

Lessons are learner centred with a guided participation approach. They focus on game-based activities and tasks that are meaningful to the child. This context involves social and classroom routines that are already familiar to the pupils in English.

We encourage children to:

  • develop their confidence to speak without fear of making mistakes
  • try and ‘take risks’ with the language
  • get familiar with sounds and basic structures and slowly move to more complex ones 
  • get used to their own voice and self in a different language
  • use the lesson sentence builders to complete classroom activities

How do we measure success in MFL?

The aim is to give the students plenty of opportunities to show how they develop their skills to reach objectives and be able to show that they can access the lesson objective. 

The following tools are used for formative assessment: 

  • class observation of listening and reading, speaking and writing games,
  • monitoring progression using phase end points,
  • tasks/activities in the form of written evidence recorded in topic books when appropriate,
  • videos/photos used as evidence and uploaded to Seesaw.