Key Stage 1
Otters (year 1) - Mrs F. Smith and Miss A. Slater
Rabbits (year 1) - Miss P. Sparkes
Squirrels (year 2) - Mrs S. Bennett and Mrs L. Jones
Hedgehogs (year 2) - Mrs V. Lewis
Welcome to Year 1 and 2! We are looking forward to an exciting and interesting Spring Term.
Our topic for the Spring Term is Grand Design. In this topic we will be learning about significant historical events from our locality. This term, we will be having an exciting trip to Dean Heritage Centre to learn why mining was important in The Forest of Dean and the different jobs in the coal mine. In class, we will use our knowledge to write a diary entry from the perspective of a miner.
In Science, we will continue learning about materials, comparing the suitability of materials for different tasks. We will move on to finding out about how shapes of solid shapes can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching.
In Computing, we will learn about algorithms and use this to help us program Beebots and Probots. In Online Safety, we will find out about cyber bullying and learn about strategies to overcome bullying. In Art, we will learn about the work of a local artist and create work similar to theirs. This will include simple block painting and using ICT to create artwork. In D.T, children will be exploring mechanisms similar to those found in a coal mine and using what they learn to design and make their own mining cart.
You will not need to bring your PE kits to school but you can wear your PE kits on our PE days. Some PE will be outside so please make sure children will be warm enough.
Homework will be set at the start of the year on Seesaw. Children can upload any homework they complete on Seesaw or they can keep a record in their Reading Link book. Any homework children complete will be rewarded.
You can support us by listening to your child read regularly and support them with their phonics. An R1 and a raffle ticket will be given each time your child reads at home. At the end of term, a raffle will be drawn and the winner will get a small prize. Please remember to sign children’s reading record to let us know they have read so they can earn their raffle tickets. As well as this you could watch Numberblocks, play Maths games on the White Rose app, practice phonics using the Phonics Play website and practice reading and spelling the red words from your child’s colour bookmark.
We look forward to learning lots of new and exciting things!